
full curriculum vitae

Please follow this link to access my full vita.

short cv

Below you will find a brief summary of my education and some of the positions I have held.

adademic experience

University of Illinois at Chicago

Department of Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science (and Computer Science, by courtesy)
Professor, 2021 - present; Associate Professor, 2017-2021; Assistant Professor, 2012-2017
The Institute for Data, Econometrics, Algorithms, and Learning (TRIPODS Phase II Institute)
Institute Director, 2024-present, Site Director, 2022-present, Director of Phase I Institute, 2019-2022
Northwestern University

Department of Computer Science
Visiting Associate Professor, 2018-2019
Georgia Institute of Technology

Algorithms and Randomness Center & School of Computer Science
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010 - 2012 (hosted by Santosh Vempala)
funded by a Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship
received the 2012 College of Computing Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Award

industry experience


Machine Learning Research Group
Postdoctoral Scientist, 2009-2010 (hosted by John Langford)
funded by an NSF Computing Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship

Research Group
Engineering and Research Intern, 2007 (hosted by Yoram Singer)
News Team
Engineering and Research Intern, 2006 (hosted by David Cohn)


Yale University

Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2009 (advised by Dana Angluin)
funded by an NSF Graduate Fellowship
M.Phil. in Computer Science, 2008
M.S. in Computer Science, 2006
Princeton University

B.S.E. in Computer Science, 2005
with honors
Certificate in Applied and Compututational Mathematics, 2005